I do a lot of thinking and my regular thought process is usually goes along the lines of me watching people and continually asking why we do stuff. Just about everyday when I go to school I see people interact with each other and I always ask why? Why are we nice to each other? Why are we mean to each other? Why do we care about each other? Why don't we care about each other? Since I'm a man of science it usually all roots back to the basic reasons for living which is surviving and reproducing. Thats not a new thought though people have realized that before so I dig deeper why do we want to survive and why do we want to reproduce? that leads into genes and the fact that were naturally programmed to pass on our genes. This is where my thought process gets hazy. I'm no scientist so most of this is just theories and stuff in my head. Which might explain why I always can't dig deeper then genes. I mean genes are made up of what? Chemicals. Could it be that we're all just a huge chemical reaction? and how do all these chemicals react to make us do the things we do? It's not like chemicals have thoughts or plans for us they just react in a way that gives us life..
any how if that made any sense to anyone let me know and help me with my theories I always like to see other peoples point of view. if it didn't make sense don't feel bad I was kinda just rambling on here I don't even know if it makes sense I just kinda wrote down my thought process.
In conclusion.... Am I crazy?
- Grant

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Summer / Back to School

Well, summer is coming to a close and i have to say, I'm not very good at summer vacation. I do not make the most of it and always waste it. This is the first summer that I've had a real job. I did landscaping, let me be the first to tell you Work SUCKS. I've said it a thousand times this summer 'I'd rather be broke with no job, than have a job have some cash'. All year I thought that last summer was the worst, but I've realised that I think that this summer has been even worse. And that is hard to believe, because last summer we were building our new house so we needed some where to stay and ended up and like 6 different places. the whole month of August was spent in a small apartment in Shwartzwald. I didn't think it could get any worse, but now that I look back, i actually miss that small apartment. I look back and think of all of the memories, I would not have made it through the summer without the help from The Strokes first Album "Is this It?" Sleeping on a couch for two months and falling asleep watch the biography channel. and hey, at least I still had my band. This summer I feel lost, with my band breaking up and this shit job, I've been looking for new priorities, and I have found none... yet. For the first time, I am not dreading going back to school, seeing all the new niners looking lost and scared and also getting to see every body again. Which brings me to my next topic: 'Back To School Clothes' Stores make it sound like another holiday or something, like it is necessary, and its NOT. I have nothing really against buying a new t-shirt or a pair of shoes, if you need them but don't go out and buy a bunch of shit just because you think you have to. I have a challenge for you, when you go back to school don't wear you new clothes, wear something old, because every one will be wearing their new 'tees & bling & kicks and trousers' so just wear your old Adidas t-shirt you got from your Aunt at your annual family Christmas party three years ago. And slowly work in your new clothes.
Wow, that is allot of words.
Happy Birthday Grant!
Peace - Cha Boi Brendan ;)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Nothing More to Say
Wow, its been a while, sorry about that, I guess Grant and I have just been busy (not really). Anyway, i thought I'd post something but i have nothing to say... and now I'm being called for supper. We're having BBQ hamburgers, its hard to make a good burger. They never turn out like Wendy's, or Harvey's. First of all they make the buns to thick and the meat to small, and you need a good meat to veggie ratio. Today, i climbed onto my roof and listened to Neil Young and almost fell asleep. Which by the way, Grant and I are going to see Neil Young in concert!
Well, I think that's all for now, I'm going to try and post daily from now on (if i can remember to)
Peace - Brendan
Well, I think that's all for now, I'm going to try and post daily from now on (if i can remember to)
Peace - Brendan
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Memories

So I was sitting around one day on my computer when a buddy of mine sent me a link to this website where they take rock/punk/metal bands and turn their songs into lullabies. I forget the web site now something along the lines of "rock-a-bye somethingrather" but that's not the point. I was going through some of the renditions of the Metallica songs. One particular song struck me though, that was Battery off Master of Puppets. the intro of that song reminded me about how awesome Metallica is and I began to think why did I stop listening to them? Then I remembered that they were total jerks when they cracked down on Napster but you know what? Even though I don't like those guys doesn't mean I should stop listening to their music. Master of Puppets was the first CD that I bought with my own money and I listened to that album until I knew it inside and out. I also got the Black album later on which was really good too. So moral of the story is even if the people in the band are jerks now they made good music at one point and you shouldn't give up on the old stuff. Also Master of Puppets rocks especially Battery and Welcome Home (Sanitarium).
Gloryhound & The Skyhawks Come Home!

Gloryhound & The Skyhawks came home to Fall River to play a show on the 25th of July. It was a great time. The opening act was 'Dave & confused' a few local ol' timers who could really jam. they opened with some recognisable tunes from such bands as: The Beatles, The Hip, Skynyrd, and.... some more Beatles. Gloryhound came out around 10 o'clock and opened with one from their new album. (By the way, super duper CD!)They played allot of their new stuff from the album and none released, they also did a fast paced song by the Ramones (Rockaway Beach) and ended with a great version of "I wanna be your dog!" by Iggy Pop. As good as the concert was, their were a few things that bothered me. Up until recently, Gloryhound consisted of 5 members, now there are 4. Adam Baldwin (on keys) is no longer a part of the skyhawks, I do not know details, but i know he is now performing with Matt Mays. It must have been hard for him to stand and watch his old band mates rocking out while standing on the sidelines. Also, the other day i was listening to my ipod and a track from "New Vinyl" came on (Gloryhounds old name) and it just reminded me of how things were when they were not so complicated. Anyways, back to the concert... good crowed, cool t-shirts, good music, free RedBull = awesome time!
ps: I got a new Ipod BITCHES!
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