One thing on my mind lately has been the concept of time. It is one of the few things that we cannot control, so instead we try and beat it. Everyone is in a rush. We now live in a 'high-speed' patientless world. When really, everyone has to take a step back and really think about it. What's the hurry? If we rush through life, we miss the most important things. As I drive down the road I see many people in a rush, speeding, not giving a hoot about the rules of the road. C'mon people, that's just putting yourself and others in danger. If you want to be somewhere for 2:00, leave at 1:00 instead of Quarter to. Hell, less than 100 years ago it would have taken us weeks to cross the country when now we can just hop on a plane and be in Vancouver in about the same time it takes to watch the LOTR trilogy.
So next time you are behind a slow driver, or in a long line, don't be impatient, just take a deep breath and take it slow bro.
Song recommendation : "To Beat The Devil" - Kris Kristofferson
- Brendan"Time to Kill"Morley
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