I take comfort in consistency. In this crazy world we live in, it nice knowing that somethings will always be there, just doing their thing. I like radios, when I was younger I had a transistor radio that i would listen to as I would fall asleep. It didn't matter what was going on in my own life, the radio always stayed the same. Keeping me company, buzzing and humming the current events. I take peace in simple things like that. In the town I live in, there is a Tim
Hortons. This Tim
Hortons is open twenty-four hours a day. I can't tell you how many times I've stumbled my way into it at 2:00 in the morning. It's nice knowing that it is always open, always there to provide shelter and coffee. I don't really know my neighbors across the street, all i know is that they watch T.V, and a lot of it. My window faces there house and every night as I'm going to bed I see the familiar glow of their television set. It doesn't matter what time I go to bed, it's always on, and it brings a smile to my face, knowing that I can always look out and see a hazy coloured image of something on their screen. I guess what I'm trying to say is that routine and
consistency fills me with the feeling of comfort.
Song Recommendation: "Bobcaygeon" - The Tragically Hip
Take enjoyment in the simple things in life.
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