Chronicles volume one, is a window into the mind of Bob Dylan, his thoughts and influences. Written by the great man himself, he is able to take you back to a simple time. Dylan gives an in depth look at his early life as a folk-singer living in Greenwich village. The detail given to simple situations could only have come from Bob. He is able to recollect moments from his past and paint a picture of words so clearly, it is as if you were there. Surprisingly Dylan does not cover his most 'prolific' years. Skipping over them to focus more on a less known and unappreciative time of his life. Just like his songs, Dylan's extraordinary talent of telling a story allows you to never tire of what he has to say. It is written very relaxed, as if you are sitting down and having a conversation with him. Chronicles allows the reader to dig deep into the thoughts of a man that has been such an inexplicable character throughout the years. This is the most personal and detailed autobiography I have read to date, and I will be first in line to purchase a copy of Chronicles volume Two when it is released.
Song reccomendation; "He Was a Friend of Mine" - Bob Dylan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak4_gP4Qj1k&feature=PlayList&p=179487017787F258&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=5
Have a good one,
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