Sunday, January 18, 2009

The beginning of the beginning of the end of the beginning.

Hi all,

Exams start in a week, so I will probably not have any time to blog until they are over. Exams also mean the beginning of semester 2. So here is a re-cap of first semester;

Overall, the work load wasn't so bad. I had some pretty interesting teachers, met some interesting people, heck... i even learned a thing or two. I would not say it went by fast, however it did not go by slow either, it went by normal. Some days feel longer than others, that always amazes me, how one day its Monday than in what seems like seconds its Friday already.

It'll be interesting to see how this new semester fairs out, its strange how a few months can change a person. I wonder what i will be like in May? So I'll just ask myself...

To my future self: Hi future self, how are things? am i still alive? anything interesting happen in the past few months? reply back when you read this.

- yours truly Present/Past Brendan
(ps: stare at the picture from far away)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My mind is filled with radio cures

There is a lot that people don't know about me, so I've decided to post some interesting facts about myself. Who knows, it might make a great conversation starter some time. for example "Hey did you know that Brendan has flat feet... nice to meet you my name is _________"
Okay, here we go
Brendan narrates his own life, like in the show Scrubs.
Brendan likes to imagine himself in different situations like.... while drumming Brendan almost always imagines himself playing in front of thousands of people. or when Brendan is shooting some hoops in the backyard he likes to pretend he is in the championship game and hits the shot ftw.
Brendan sometimes gives human characteristics to objects, whether its positioning his toothbrush so it has a view out the window, or matching socks up so they won't be lonely.
Brendan always has a song stuck in his head.
Brendan once killed a man (OK so this one isn't completely true, but it makes me sound like a bamf)
Brendan uses his ipod as an excuse not to talk to people.
Brendan loves mornings.
Brendan tries to not hate people.
Brendan has no life, and is completely fine with that.
Brendan has nothing left to write.