Brian Burton AKA Danger Mouse is a producer that I'm a huge fan of, so I was pleasently surprised when I heard about his new album. But this isn't just any regular album... It's a blank CD-R. I know you're all thinking how could he release a blank CD and expect it to sell? Well here's the story; Mr. Mouse has gotten into arguments with the label EMI and so he won't release the actual music for fear of getting his ass sued off the planet. so he's just going to release a blank CD with a 100+ booklet with original photo's by David Lynch (who is on the album) that are inspired by the music. My first question was what about the music? Is he just going to forget about it and never let it see the light of day? No. According to the
website "Danger Mouse remains highly proud of Dark Night of the Soul and hopes that people that are lucky enough to hear the music, by whatever means, are excited as he is." now upon first reading that just seems that only select people will be able to hear it but if you read it again it says "by whatever means" Now on all the articles I've read on the story this is essentially Danger Mouse saying "I want people to hear this so I don't even care if you download it." very formally, and to that I say kudos Danger Mouse! You are a great example of the music being more important then the money and I respect that a lot. Personally I have already found a torrent for the album (It's incredible) and plan on buying a copy as soon as I get a job and the money to pay for it. I think that if you love music you should pick up a copy of the CD and download the tracks just to support the idea of music over money.
So now that I'm done talking about Dark Night of the Soul I'd also like to mention that I never realized it until recently but Danger Mouse is in a lot of my favorite albums. He produced Attack and Release which is my favorite Black Keys album he also produced Demon Days by the Gorillaz which is awesome and even Beck's new CD. He also teamed up with MF DOOM to make DANGERDOOM and made one of my favorite hip hop albums, The Mouse and the Mask. He's half of Gnarls Barkley and last but certainly not least he mashed up Jay-Z Black album and the Beatles White album to make the Gray Album which is incredible!
So now that I'm done writing about being obsessed with Danger Mouse I will sign off
It's not just good it's great depression.
PS I would have no idea on where to find a torrent for that album *cough*
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