It has been about twenty-two days since my last post. Andy every one of those days bloggin has crossed my mind. From time to time I would check the old blog, see if my compadré has written about his life lately but sure enough no post since May 8th. "Why?" You may ask. Well because of MOTIVATION! (I thought the caps would emphasise... but it kinda makes me sound like a tool) Both Grant and myself are the least motivated people you will ever meet. I can not even imagine what we could do if we tried (mostly because imagining takes effort) It is our duty as Internet celebrities/Heroes to keep our audience entertained. And we have failed... again. It has almost been an entire year sense Grant and I finally decided to get off our ass and startedwriting our thoughts down... well i guess we didn't even have to get off our asses, we sat down at the computer. If you Google "theoldshug" The first six links are to our site, right after "Did you mean: theoldscout" If that isn't fame than I don't know the definition of the word.
Today is also the first day of June, that's cool... or not cool, it depends if you're taking that literally.
Music is still a big part of my life, I have been playing a lot more lately. Hauling my drums around is a pain in the ass, which is why I like to play harmonica. I've been playing with a lot of different people lately, it is important for a musician to play with a wide variety of people, change things up a bit. I have decided to move on with my musical-ness and start writing/making my own music again. This is due to MOTIVATION (It's the word of the day)
Song recommendation: "Sitting" - Cat Stevens
Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be.
- Brendan
"Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be."
I really dig the way you think, man.
Thanks man, I like that quote to. But I can't take credit for that one, that's Abe Lincoln's quote.
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