Good morrow,
As you may know Christmas is just around the corner and today I have been getting in the festive spirit. I woke up to find out school was canceled due to a snow storm, I spent the morning decorating my Christmas tree and drinking hot chocolate and listening to Vince Guaraldi 's 'A Charlie Brown Christmas'. Christmas is a great time of year, that people begin to forget because they get caught up in the materiel things or the 'every thing has to be perfect' state of mind. I find to make the best out of the holidays is to go with the flow, spend time with your loved ones, listen to Christmas music watch Christmas movies and reflect on past Christmases. One thing that really grinds my gears is when church and state get mixed in with Christmas. For example: Every year of my elementary school life we would have an annual "CHRISTMAS Concert" and we would sing "CHRISTMAS songs". My younger sister came home from school the other day and invited me to her "HOLIDAY Concert". Turns out the school took out everything with the word Christmas and replaced it with holidays. Now that's just silly, i don't care what religion you are you can still celebrate Christmas. It has become more than the celebration of the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, it is a time to spend with family and friends. eat cookies, and exchange gifts. Call me Ol' fashioned but I believe Christmas has kind of gotten carried away, i mean some of the gifts that i hear people getting these days cost more than my house. And these spoiled children make lists longer than themselves with useless electric gadgets that they play with twice and than put on a shelf to gather dust. Maybe that is what is expected nowadays, maybe that is where this "Holiday" is headed. I sure hope not. What i love about Christmas is the traditions, the opening of one present on Christmas Eve, and the Advent calender leading up to that special day. And watching the best X-mas movies of all time; A Muppet's Christmas carol, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and Rudolph the red nose Reindeer.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and in the words of Michael Scott "Happy birthday Jesus, sorry your party's so lame"
-Brendan (Santa's little ginger) Morley
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