Just before I get to say what i have to say, I would just like to comment about my last post. It was really hard to pick 10 albums that were released in 2008, there were MANY that I discovered this year but where older. So my list isn't perfect, its just a rough outline of what i listened to. Okay... back to the topic;
One of the great bands I was introduced to this year was a band by the name of Wilco. It was my friend Ian that let me borrow their CD Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. He had told me how great it was and so i was eager to give it a listen. At first I didn't really get it, a lot of random noises, and affects that seemed to take away from the primary instruments. I put it on the back burner and moved on to other albums. It wasn't until the countless nights driving around with Ian with YHF playing through the car speakers that I started to understand it. The album is to complex to understand after hearing it just once. But once it becomes clear, you can truly understand the extraordinary musical harmony that Wilco creates. The album evenly covers all of the bases of tempo from soft folk, to upbeat rock and everything in between. Not to mention their lates album Sky Blue Sky (but that's a post for another time)
It was simply fate that they happened to be opening for Neil Young at the concert I attended in Halifax. In the film about Wilco "I am trying to break your heart" Rolling Stone's David Fricke is quoted by saying 'I truly believe that later on down the road Wilco will finally get the credit they deserve.'
That's all I have to say, I don't know if any of it made sense... because I can't really explain what I want to say, but what is important is that in my opinion Wilco is one of the best bands of it's time.
Thank you
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