New Years is coming which means resolutions that will more then likely be broken. This year I decided that I'm gonna give myself a bit of a resolution. I don't normally give my self New Years resolutions cause I figure whats the difference between any other day of the year to start changing yourself? But since I coincidentally came up with this idea around this time of year I figured I'd slap it with the title of "New Years Resolution."
Pretty much what I plan to do is be more calm and more peaceful. I consider my self a very peaceful/calm guy already but even more peace and calm couldn't hurt I figure (It would be pretty ironic if it did hurt). I recommend everyone put this on their list of resolutions because I think if everyone followed it, it would make everyone a little happier and a little more nice . So next time you're stuck in traffic cause someone is being a bad driver or waiting in line cause someone can't make up their mind of what they want at McDonald's instead of yelling at the person or making a scene consider what it would be like if you were trying to make up your mind and someone started yelling at you. You probably wouldn't like it very much. So next time a random stranger is doing something that annoys you don't think "uggghh that son of a bleep-bleep-bleep-mcbleepidy bleepery bleeperson is being an idiot and I hate them and I'm gonna tell them" just try and focus on something else, think about how much you'd like it if that person freaked out at you or just keep your mouth shut cause yelling at random people makes you look like an idiot.
I'm saying all this because of something that happened to me a while ago that I remembered earlier today. It all started one day when I was talking to Brendan trying to convince him to let me on the loft at our school (this was back when B-ren was on students council) and some random chick who I've never seen before was like "hey are you in grade 9?" and I was like "...yeah" and she said and I quote "I can tell... Grow the fuck up" I just kinda looked at her and thought "...oooookaaaayyyy.........youcrazybitch" and walked away. But it was at that moment that I thought we all need to be a little more polite and even though I never took it very seriously from my parents "if you don't have something good to say don't say it at all" seriously it's a good idea.
Sending messages of peace and love,
Grant (The aspiring peacemaker) Hawkins

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
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